German Space Agency (DLR) project to transfer CSP Technology | | | | |
German Space Agency (DLR) project to transfer CSP Technology
The Energy center had signed the German Space Agency DLR to transfer the concentrated solar power to the MENA region including Jordan and received a fund of 4 million Euro for this. Partners in the project in addition to Jordan are from Germany, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. The agreements includes the following:
1- Installing a precise weather station
The University of Jordan represented by the Energy center and the National Center for Research and Developments/ Energy Program Signed the agreement from the Jordanian behalf with the German space Agency D. This agreement includes the installation of the weather station, which value more than 100.00$. The Energy center Sign a memorandum of understanding MOU with the MDA "Maan Development Area” to install the weather in Maan in January,2011
This weather station will take the sunlight readings each two minutes, these readings will be transferred to Germany via internet and analyzed them there.
These readings will facilitate the drawing of the Ground Solar Map which will be the first of its kind in Jordan with an error less than 1% which is less than any other satellite solar map. These ground solar maps will provide the researchers and invertors with the data base for the feasibility studies issues.
2- Holding Training Program in the CSP technology in Spain
Pull of Engineers from different organizations from the Ministry of Energy, National Center for Research of Development /Energy program, the University of Jordan and some local energy companies have attended a specialized training program in the field of the CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) Technology for one month.
The trained experts will work inside Jordan, hold similar training sessions and workshops in the future to transfer what they have learned.
Measurement instruments and equipments will be imported to the Energy Center for the calibrations and measurement purposes for the concentrated solar power cells.
3- Preparing teaching Material for the enerMENA Project
The Energy Center had elaborated a teaching Material for the enerMENA project. Partners in the project are coordinating to prepare a teaching material for the CSP technology.
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