Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee

The conference director

Prof. Fathieh Abu-Moghli, RN, School of Nursing - the University of Jordan 

The conference vice-director​

Dr. Mohammad Bushnaq, MD, Chairman of Jordan Palliative Care and Pain Management Society.

Dr. Manar Nabolsi, RN, Dean, School of Nursing - the University of Jordan .

Dr. Maysoon Abdalrahim, RNHead of the Scientific Committee, School of Nursing - the University of Jordan  

Dr. Waddah ​D’emeh, RNHead of the Community Health Nursing Department, School of Nursing - the University of Jordan 

Dr. Hassan Hasaneen, MD, 

Mr. Soliman Ahmed, RN, head of the organizing committee, chief executive officer, Jordan Palliative Care and Pain Management Society.​

Dr. wafaa Qasem,MD, consultant internist, pain and palliative care medicine.

Dr. sameer Abu-Moghli, chairman of psychologist society