Organizing Committee

Assoc. Prof.Zu'bi Al-Zu'bi:  Dean, School of Business and Conference Chair

Prof. Taleb Awad Warrad: Deputy Dean for Higher Studies and Conference vice Chair

Dr. Adel Bino Deputy Dean for Administrative Affairs and Conference Coordinator

Dr. Raed Algharabat: Dean Assistant for Students Affairs and Conference Assistant

Dr. Basheer Khamees: Head of Accounting Department

Dr. Bader Obeidat: Head of Business Management Department

Dr. Ra'ed Masa'deh: Head of MIS Department

Dr. Ghazi Assaf: Head of Business Economics Department

Dr. Mohammad Alshraidah: Head of Marketing Department

Dr. Mohammad  Tayeh: Head of Finance Department

Dr. Khalaf Alhadeed: Head of Public Administration Department​​​​

Mrs.Riham AL Mhaisen IT/admin

Ms. Laila Ashour Head of Diwan office

Mr. Ibrahim Melhem / Public relations representative