About Forum

خمسون جيلاً بمدرجة الفخار فجيلا

The University of Jordan Holds its First Alumni Forum

Fifty Generations of Pride; Generation after Generation

Place: The University of Jordan /Deanship of Students Affairs - El Hassan bin Talal Auditorium​

Date: (7-8)/6/2015


Following keenness on documenting the advancement of the University of Jordan and underlining its achievements, and in continuation of the efforts exerted and benchmarks reached in the strive for excellence in preparing its students to acquire their ambitions, The University of Jordan is expanding this keenness beyond its walls to include its graduates all over the nation and the world as scientists and workers contributing to building modern Jordan and the human civilization.


Thus, to build bridges between the University of Jordan and its alumni and to invest in their successes, The University will be holding the First Alumni Forum between the 7th and the 8th of June 2015. The Forum is a translation of the Hashemite Jordanian state's aspirations to lay an academic and practical infrastructure, the cornerstone of which is the University of Jordan and the graduates are its tributaries.


The Forum is a memorable occasion marking the University's history. It keeps pace with an important development and achievement benchmark and aims at creating a culture of communication and interaction among graduates and between them and the University with its different faculties and students. While the University of Jordan is embodying the leap into future, it hopes that this Forum will signal the start of new and distinct fifty years of faithful hard work guarded by open-minds and love of the country along with loyalty to its humanitarian message in its core.
