Announcement of an Upcoming Special Issue
Journal Title: Advances in Difference
Thermatic Series Title: Advances in
Fractional Differential Equations and Their Real World Applications - Part Two
This call is an invitation to contribute to a
Special Issue of the Advances in Difference Equations Journal on the topic
Advances in Fractional Differential Equations and Their Real World Applications
- Part Two.
The content of this thematic series will contain
the latest and the most significant results in fractional differential
equations and their real world applications. The main aim is to highlight
recent advances in this field as well as to bring together the best researchers
in the field of fractional calculus and its applications. In the last sixty
years, fractional calculus has emerged as a powerful and efficient mathematical
tool in the study of several phenomena in science and engineering. As a result,
hundreds of research papers, monographs and international conference papers,
have been published. Research in fractional differentiation is inherently
multi-disciplinary and its application is done in various contexts: elasticity,
continuum mechanics, quantum mechanics, signal analysis, biomedicine,
bioengineering, social systems, management, financial systems, turbulence,
pollution control, landscape evolution, population growth and dispersal,
complex systems, medical imaging, and finance, and some other branches of pure
and applied mathematics. This special issue aims at promoting the exchange of
novel and important theoretical and numerical results, as well as computational
methods, to study fractional order systems, and to spread new trends in the
area of fractional calculus and its real world applications.
Before submitting your manuscript, please
ensure you have carefully read the submission guidelines for Advances in
Difference Equations. The complete manuscript should be submitted through the
Advances in Difference Equations submission system. To ensure that you submit
to the correct thematic series please select the appropriate thematic series in
the drop-down menu upon submission. In addition, indicate within your cover
letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered as part of the thematic
series on Advances in Fractional Differential Equations and Their Real World
Applications. All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review and accepted
articles will be published within the journal
as a collection.
Paper submission: 2018, November 1st
Expected publication: June 2019
Lead Guest
Dumitru Baleanu
University, Turkey
Guest Editors
Shaher Momani
The University
of Jordan, Jordan
Guo-Cheng Wu
University of Finance and Economics
Carla M.
A. Pinto
School of
Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Eqab Rabei
Al al Bayt
University, Jordan